Sunday, April 01, 2007

Windows and Spanish mass.

For some reasons, for Windows faults I went to the Spanish mass. Yesterday I rebooted on Windows (that stores on the BIOS clock the local time EU/Rome), and it reset my clock (I want it to store the GMT time, Unix common practice).

So today I thought it was 12 (it was 11), and I went to the wrong Mass. In Spanish.

1 comment:

Radiant said...

Noooooo, fregato dall'ora legale! Beh, ma non tutto il male vien per nuocere: com'è la messa in spagnolo? C'è qualche highlight degno di nota? :) Per esempio, in tedesco pensa te il prete che dice, con accento da Wehrmacht: "VATER UNSER IN HIMMELREICH..." :o :o :o
